


When it comes to boiler maintenance and repair in the UK, it’s important to understand the compensation policies in case something goes wrong. While it’s always best to choose a reputable, experienced engineer to carry out any work on your boiler, accidents can happen. Here, we’ll take a closer look at boiler repair compensation in the UK, including what to expect and how to make a claim if necessary.

If you have your boiler serviced or repaired and it breaks down again within a short period of time, you may be entitled to compensation. This is called a warranty period, and it usually lasts between three and twelve months, depending on the manufacturer or engineer. If the same fault occurs within this time period, and it’s the fault of the engineer, you should be entitled to a free repair, replacement or refund.

However, if your boiler breaks down after the warranty period has expired, you may be liable for the cost of repairs. It’s important to note that if the fault is due to general wear and tear, this is not the responsibility of the engineer, and you will be liable for any repair costs.

If you need to make a compensation claim, the first step is to contact the engineer who carried out the work. They should have a complaints procedure in place, and they will investigate the issue and decide whether or not you are entitled to compensation. If they refuse your claim, or you are not satisfied with their response, you can take the matter to a small claims court or seek advice from a consumer rights organisation such as Citizens Advice.

It’s important to keep all paperwork relating to your boiler maintenance and repairs. This includes receipts, invoices, and details about the engineer who carried out the work. If you need to make a claim, you will need to provide evidence of the work that was carried out and any payments that were made. Without this evidence, it may be difficult to make a successful claim.

If you have experienced financial loss or inconvenience due to a faulty boiler or poor repair work, you may also be entitled to additional compensation. This could include compensation for the cost of alternative heating or temporary accommodation, loss of earnings, or injury or illness caused by the fault. In these instances, it’s essential to seek legal advice to help you make a claim.

In conclusion, knowing your rights when it comes to boiler maintenance and repair is vital. While most engineers will carry out work to the highest standard, accidents and errors can happen. By understanding the compensation policies and procedures, you can ensure that you are protected if something does go wrong.



